We set aside December 25th to celebrate the birth
of Jesus, God in human form. It is Jesus who shows us who God is, and what God
is like. It is Jesus who prepares the
way to radically change lives. It is
Jesus who teaches us how to live. It is
Jesus who promises us life…New Life.
Behold: I Make All Things New [Rev 21:5] Jesus says, I_make_all
-things _new!
Hey Jesus, make me new! I want to be new. I’m tired of dragging all the old baggage
around. I want a new start, I want a fresh beginning. I want to start out with a clean slate and
start drawing with new crayons and I
want it all to be colorful and beautiful and meaningful to me and to those
lives I touch. Come on Jesus, that’s
what I want for Christmas…a new me!!
“No problem,” says Jesus, “All you have to do is to surrender your old you, and voila, presto chango… a new you!”
“That doesn’t sound too easy,” I said.
And Jesus answered, “It’s not, but I’ll
be there to help you through it, if you’ll let me. You know, you’ve pretty much had the wheel so far in your
life, how’s that working out for
you?...not so good? Let me be the driver behind the wheel of your
life and let’s see where we can go and what we can do together.”
that sounds pretty good to me,” I said, “I definitely want a new and improved
“Oh the places you’ll go…” Jesus said, sounding a little like Dr.
Gracious God, here I
am. Take my life and use it to your glory.
Help me to be an active participant in your kingdom, not simply a
spectator. Thank you for Jesus and for
new life. Amen