Thursday, November 10, 2011

How Did He Do That?

Jesus fed more than five thousand people using the five loaves of bread and two fishes the apostles had with them.   This miracle is repeated many times in churches throughout the world. People bring their offerings to the church, and the church then uses them to nurture souls, educate the young, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, comfort the afflicted.  

What would have happened if the disciples had refused, and told Jesus they were not going to share because the food they had was barely enough to feed just them?  All those people would have gone hungry.   We bring our offerings in thanksgiving for all that God has done for us. By offering a portion of our resources, we are able step outside ourselves and touch the lives of others.  

Ebenezer Scrooge from Dickens’ Christmas Carol was a character who cared only for his own bottom line.  We’re all familiar with how well that worked for him.  God doesn’t want us to be like Scrooge. God wants us to have a heart for others. If you are someone who is Scrooge-like when it comes to giving to God’s work, perhaps this is the year to turn things around. This Sunday we consecrate our promises of giving to our church. Why not step outside yourself and pledge to make a difference in the life of the church and the lives of others?

Gracious God, give me the courage to do what you’ve called  me to do, and help me do so with a willing and joyful heart.  Amen.

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