Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Weekly Devotional for August 7, 2011

Step out in Faith, that’s what the disciple Peter did on that stormy night on the Sea of Galilee. When he saw Jesus walking towards him on the water he shouted, “Command me to come to you,” and Jesus said “Come.” And so Peter left the boat and started towards Jesus, but fear of the wind overcame his faith and down he went. Note that it wasn’t the wind itself, but simply the fear of the wind that did him in. Matt. 14: 22-34

Another interesting part of this story, is that there were at least eleven other disciples in that boat, and what they were doing is called “playing it safe.”  They didn’t get much done, but,  at least they stayed dry. Ministry can be adventurous, messy and exciting, but it can also call you out of your comfort zone. You have to leave the boat sometimes to do what Jesus calls you to do. Remember that Peter’s name was Simon before he met Jesus, and Jesus renamed him Peter, the “Rock.”  You know how well rocks float?  Not so much, and Peter is the rock on which Jesus planted his church. Jesus chose Peter because of his great faith, his exuberant enthusiasm, and his love for Jesus. What would happen to the church if more disciples were like Peter than the ones that stayed in the boat?  

Gracious God, help me to be more like Peter in my life and in my faith. Let me cast aside fear and move forward in faith, love and devotion.  Amen. 

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