Cornerstone or stumbling block? It’s all in how you look at Jesus. Jesus is the cornerstone of our faith. It is in how you react to Him. Is he the Son of God, or simply a very good man who was a great teacher and philosopher? Who do you say He is?
People who believe in their heart of hearts that Jesus is the Son of God have Jesus as the cornerstone of their lives, and by following his teachings live lives that are based on solid ground…living not for themselves alone but watching out for others and for the common good. When hardships come, they can withstand the storms of life knowing that Jesus walks with them, and at the end, will take them home to be with Him forever.
To people who don’t believe, Jesus is a stumbling block over which they will trip and fall. They believe that it’s enough to be a good person; that it’s unnecessary to surrender their lives to God’s will, that they can get to heaven under their own power.
They will meet that fate that has been planned for them. [1Peter 2:8b] Through Jesus Christ, God has called us out of darkness into wonderful light, and is building us, as living stones, into his spiritual temple. [1Peter 2:5] Praise the One who breaks the darkness!
Precious Jesus, be with us this day. Increase our faith in you and help us to trust you in all things, for you are the living cornerstone. Amen.