Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wake up!

You know what time it is? It’s time to get up and get it together! That’s what Paul says to us Romans 13:11. We have the best intentions of getting closer to God, to walking the walk, and talking the talk, but we procrastinate. We’ll get to it when we’re not so busy. After the kids start school…after this project is finished, after..after…after.  Paul says do it right now. What are you waiting for?

Paul wants us to lay aside the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. Set aside the world and grab a hold of God. This is a matter of primary focus. What are your priorities? Family? Work? Friends? Those are all important, but if you set God as your primary focus, you will be able to see that these things will be handled in a much better way, a way that is pleasing to God and those close to you. “Put on the Lord Jesus” Paul says and let Him guide you through your day, obeying God’s law of love in all things, for Paul says “the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. “(13:8)
  The night is far gone and the day is near, the time is now.  Take the step; make your move. 

God of Grace and Mercy, look kindly upon me, poor as I am,  and give me the desire to draw closer to you. Increase my faith and my love for you, and help me to live my life in the light of your love. Amen

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Who Am I?

“Who Am I?” Is a question we ask ourselves from time to time. Some are blessed to know exactly who they are and where they are going, some are still searching their hearts and praying for God to show them their true path in life; asking the question:  What does God want me to do? What is my calling?”

We are God’s children, adopted through the sacrament of baptism, redeemed by Jesus, the sacrificial Lamb of God; we are heirs to the Kingdom. God has given us a great instruction book for living:  The Bible. In its pages, you’ll find answers and insight into what God has done for us and how we are to live our lives. In this Sunday’s sermon text, Romans 12:9-21, Paul gives us more than twenty directives, or bits of advice for living a godly life. God wants us to be faithful in our relationship with God and with others, and love is the guiding principal for all that we do. What is God calling you to do?  God is calling you to be who you are to the best of your ability. Thank goodness for grace, because without it, we wouldn’t stand a chance.

God of mercy, look with favor upon me, and through your Holy Spirit, help me to become the best me that I can be.  Amen.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My God is a Rock

Does your life seem to be in turmoil more often today than in the past?  Are you running your hardest just trying to keep up with the demands on your time?  Have you got your priorities straight?  As you go about your day, try to remember that God has called you by name and God’s mark is upon you. God has something wonderful in mind for you.
Be sure and take time to listen for God’s voice, and follow God’s lead.

There’s an old spiritual called My God Is a Rock in a Weary Land. The image of God as a rock is comforting to us. Rocks don’t change. They are solid; probably the most dependable things in creation. While we are weary from spinning our wheels, God, the Rock of Ages, is always there, ready to listen to us and ready to offer us comfort and support. Why we don’t rely more on God for our day to day stuff is a mystery. The helping hands of God are there for you. Spend a little more quality time with God, and you will find the strength and the stamina you need to go about your day. They road will not always be smooth, but you’ll feel assurance that all will be well.

Gracious God, look with favor upon me, and give me the assurance of your presence as I go about my day today.  Amen

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Lord, Guide My Steps

Because God is holy, we are called to live lives that are holy, but how are we to do this? Sin is as much a part of our nature as is our desire to be good. Our task, as believers, is to not let sin overcome us. Jesus is our example, and if we try to live as he lived, and take his values for our own, we are on our way.

Psalm 119:105 tells us that God’s Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. The psalm goes on to ask God to guide our steps so we will not be overcome by evil. [vs133]
So it is the Word of God that is to be our guide for controlling our behavior. “Lord, guide my steps” should be a constant prayer for us as we move through our day.  Will we ever reach perfection? No, of course not. Does that mean we shouldn’t try for it? No, of course not.  It is our goal, as Paul says, “our upward calling of God in Christ Jesus. [Phil: 3:14] God’s mercy and the sacrifice of Jesus are our saving graces. Nothing that we do can get us there, try as we may. But nothing we do can separate us from God’s love either.  Thanks be to God who gives us the victory.

God of tender mercy, guide my steps this day that I may not fall into sin. Amen

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Weekly Devotional for August 7, 2011

Step out in Faith, that’s what the disciple Peter did on that stormy night on the Sea of Galilee. When he saw Jesus walking towards him on the water he shouted, “Command me to come to you,” and Jesus said “Come.” And so Peter left the boat and started towards Jesus, but fear of the wind overcame his faith and down he went. Note that it wasn’t the wind itself, but simply the fear of the wind that did him in. Matt. 14: 22-34

Another interesting part of this story, is that there were at least eleven other disciples in that boat, and what they were doing is called “playing it safe.”  They didn’t get much done, but,  at least they stayed dry. Ministry can be adventurous, messy and exciting, but it can also call you out of your comfort zone. You have to leave the boat sometimes to do what Jesus calls you to do. Remember that Peter’s name was Simon before he met Jesus, and Jesus renamed him Peter, the “Rock.”  You know how well rocks float?  Not so much, and Peter is the rock on which Jesus planted his church. Jesus chose Peter because of his great faith, his exuberant enthusiasm, and his love for Jesus. What would happen to the church if more disciples were like Peter than the ones that stayed in the boat?  

Gracious God, help me to be more like Peter in my life and in my faith. Let me cast aside fear and move forward in faith, love and devotion.  Amen.