Saturday, September 24, 2011


Today, it seems like the “still, small voice” of God is drowned out by our way of life. We are so busy trying to maneuver through our day that it is easy to lose sight of the truly important thing. We are all so busy trying to do our best, yet it seems that we can never do enough, and God becomes lost in the day- to-day static.  Are we prioritizing rightly?
In modern America, we are bombarded with choices. Just go to the market and pick any category: coffee, laundry soap, deodorant, shampoo… you name it and you can see that you have a lot of product to choose from. How about the choices on your television? There are hundreds of channels to choose from…a blessing and a curse. It’s the same with many things we deal with. How do we know which is the best choice?
After the death of Moses, the Lord said to Joshua, “Choose this day whom you will serve.”  [Joshua 24:15]  We have the same choice to make: serve God or serve the world. This choice can be made as you go about your day. In the choices you make, ask yourself whom you are serving. Remember, you can be in the world, but not of the world.
Gracious God, guide my steps this day. May  you be a part of every word I say, and every choice I make. Amen.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Nothing's Impossible

When God told Abraham that Sarah would bear a son, Sarah laughed because she knew that she was too old to have a child. God made a promise to them, and Sarah thought she knew, better than God, what was possible. She didn’t know that with God, all things are possible. 

How often do we do the same? How often do we ourselves put limits on the power of God because we think we know, better than God, what we are capable of accomplishing?
On the Sea of Galilee, when the storm was rising and the disciples were afraid of drowning, Jesus said to them, “O ye of little faith, why are you so afraid?” The disciples knew they were in a perilous position, but they forgot who was with them. Though they had seen miracles happen through Jesus, they thought they were hopelessly lost. Jesus did the impossible and calmed the storm.

Whatever our situation, we need to trust in God to somehow make a way for us. Placing our lives in the hands of the One who loves us beyond measure gives us hope for the future. Investing fully in our faith can reap rewards beyond our ability to know. No matter what happens, because of Christ's sacrificial atonement for our sins, we know that we have the hope of a glorious future when our time on earth is over. 

Gracious God, help me to trust fully in your love for me. Help me to know that you are here and that with you, all things are possible.  Amen.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

No Thanks God, I'll do it My Way

One of the most beautifully moving descriptions of who Jesus is can be found in the first chapter of the Gospel of John. In the beginning was the Word, He was with God, and he was God. Life itself was in him, and this life gives light to everyone. Jesus offers hope and direction for the lost, the broken, and the weary. Jesus is life and light to all who believe. 

We are an obstinate and head-strong people. If you’re of a certain age, you’ll remember the aspirin commercial that showed a frazzled headache sufferer snapping back at a parent trying to help:  “Mother please, I’d rather do it myself!”  How often do we feel the same way when it comes to our faith life?  “No thanks God, I’ll do it my way.” How has that worked out for you? Why do we resist God’s call when the surrender to God’s will is so sweet.  The answers to life’s perplexing problems can be found in the Word. Spend time each day in the Bible; find a time each day to worship God through prayer and meditation. Moving towards a closer relationship with God is as simple as establishing that simple routine. John goes on to say that the light shines through the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.  Isn’t that what we need today?  A way to cut through all of the bad news of the day, the corruption we see in our society, the things that threaten to undo us?  Jesus is life, and Jesus gives light to everyone.

Gracious God, help me to draw closer to you through your Word. Increase my faith and my love for you and be with me as I go through my day. Amen